Web Designer

7 Things Every Web Designer Should Do in Their Sleep Saved to Drive

Being a web developer is all fun and games until you get stuck in figuring out where the code went wrong. Yup, it’s a hassle in itself. Reviewing codes over codes is a difficult task. However, there is always a silver lining. So, if you’re lucky, the only missing component of your code is a closing parenthesis!
There are some major things that a web developer needs to know and also what web designing is. It includes some basics and other back-end techniques to save the day. All the things enumerated below would help you understand what you need to do in order to succeed at web designing tools and techniques. Also, you can hire professional assistance.

Languages (Html/CSS/php)

For any web developer, the basics and their main tool is the language that they use in their code. This is the ultimate where they need to be able to write, run and test their codes and other’s as well. As they say, there are a million ways to do a thing. Similarly, there are a million ways to write code. Choose yours wisely and it must be readable to the other web developer. 

JavaScript and Framework

JavaScript has been ruling the web developing world for quite a time now. And it isn’t diminishing anytime soon. The front and backend framework of JavaScript must be on fingertips of a web developer. Frameworks provide you with an already written code and not an empty plate. This way you get a better idea. Many web developers combine JS with Bootstrap with CSS at the backend. 

Web Protocols

All websites have a different set of protocols that they run on. HTTP and HTTPS are two major protocols that are run and work. A web developer without its knowledge is useless since all things are based upon the final running of a website. 

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

For apps, if you write a test and specs portion, you get some edge over it. It is basically a percentage of your code that is tested. It reduces the chances of bugs in the code. 


Temporarily storing data for the later use is where the web developer needs to have a grip on. Storing cache data is helpful when the data files do not just pop out. Only those, which you have saved in the cache, will be accessible. A proper strategy for caching is a good thing to learn.  

Version Control

Version control software actually is a helping tool that saves your previous code. So, if you need to make any changes, they are saved and altered according to your will. 


Glitches and bugs are very common when a final website is run. A web developer must know how to track a bug and obviously, fix it. There can be a bug in either code or some technical information that you provided to your ISPN.